Friday, March 27, 2009

Mi Goreng Thai Udang


2 sudu besar minyak sayuran
2 ulas bawang putih
3 ekor udang harimau (buang kulit)
1 biji telur
175 gm mi Sen Lek (rendam dan tuskan)
2 sudu besar jus lemon
1 1/2 sudu besar sos ikon
1/2 sudu kecil gula
2 sudu besar kacang tanah (kisar)
2 sudu besar udang kering
1/2 sudu besar serbuk cili
1 keping tauhu (hancurkan)
30 gm tauge
2 tangkai daun bawang (potong 2.5 cm)

Cara membuat:

1. Panaskan minyak di dalam kuali, tumiskan bawang putih hingga kekuningan . Kemudian masukkan udang .
2. Kacau rata. Masukkan telur dan kacau hingga sebati.
3. Masukkan mi yang telah direndam tadi. Masukkan juga, jus lemon, sos ikan, gula, sebahagian kacang tanah,udang kering , serbuk cili dan kacau rata . Kemudian masukkan sebahagian tauge dan daun bawang . Kacau rata dan biarkan sebati selama tiga minit. Kemudian angkat.
4. Hiaskan bersama kacang tanah,udang kering dan tauge di atas mi tadi. Jika suka hidangkan bersama serbuk cili,potongan lemon dan daun ketumbar.

From Majalah Wanita.

Lo Sui Goose (Slow Braised Goose)


4-5 litres chicken stock
1 goose, 2-3 kgs
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 cinnamon stick
6 star anise
4 cloves
5 peppercorns, crushed
3 cloves garlic
10 gram piece gancao (licorice root)
2 teaspoons Chinese wine
1 block soft tofu


Heat the chicken stock in a large stock pot. Add the cinnamon stick, star anise, cloves, crushed peppercorns, garlic and licorice root and simmer for 2-3 hours. Thoroughly wash and clean the goose Put the goose into the stock pot, increase the
heat and boil until half cooked, about 1 hour, skimming the surface regularly. Lower the heat and gently braise for another 1-2 hours or until the goose is cooked, turning it every half an hour.

When cooked, remove the goose from the stock pot and slice the breast meat thinly.
Fry the tofu, whole, until it is golden brown. Slice It and arrange on a serving plate. Place the sliced goose over the tofu. Mix the Chinese wine with a little of the stock and spoon over the goose.

Use the rich stock over again for flavouring other favourite Chinese dishes.

From Expatriate Lifestyle Magazine