All Recipes 101 - for recipes addict like me!

Where all types and varieties of recipes .... ^_^

Added on what I like that's includes meal plans (for my so called diet plans)....

and Kids Meals section for easier reference what to cook for children

(that would be my bunch of nieces and nephews!!!!)

We don't eat pork so for those ingredients which included pork, has been substituted it with beef or chicken.

Heath & Lifestyle

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Durian Cream Puff Recipe

Ingredient for Puff pastry:
250g wheat flour
250ml water
200g butter
10 eggs

Ingredient for Durian Custard:
1L evaporated creamer
100g custard powder
100g green bean powder
150g sugar, or to taste
500g durian flesh
¼ tbsp salt

To prepare:

1.Boil water with butter. Add in flour and continuously stir under low heat till the dough leave side of pot, set aside.

2.Beat eggs till creamy, gradually add eggs to dough, mix well.

3.Fill mixture into a piping bag, pipe onto a greased cookie pan, make 15 puff

4.Bake puff at preheated oven of 200C for 20 minutes, then lower temperature to 170C and bake for another 10 minutes

5.To make Durian Custard, mix creamer, sugar, green bean powder, custard powder and salt in a pot, cook using low heat till thicken. Add in Durian and cook for another 5 minutes, let it cool

6.cut the puff into 2, fill with Durian custard and chilled. Served.


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