All Recipes 101 - for recipes addict like me!

Where all types and varieties of recipes .... ^_^

Added on what I like that's includes meal plans (for my so called diet plans)....

and Kids Meals section for easier reference what to cook for children

(that would be my bunch of nieces and nephews!!!!)

We don't eat pork so for those ingredients which included pork, has been substituted it with beef or chicken.

Heath & Lifestyle

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hor Fun Recipe – Char Kuey Teow


1 pack hor fun (500g)
10 prawn, peeled & cleaned
2 squids, cleaned & cut into pieces
2 eggs
200g bean sprouts
100g chicken breast meat/pork, cut
1 tbsp chili paste
50g green mustard, washed & chopped
2 glove garlic, mashed
2 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tbsp dark soy sauce
salt to taste

Steps to make this dish:

1.a pan or wok, add in oil and garlic, fry till fragrant

2.add in chicken meat, prawn, squids and 1/2 tbsp light soy sauce, stir fry till mix well

3.add in small amount of bean sprouts, stir fry for 10 seconds, then add in the hor fun, green mustard, 1 tbsp dark soy sauce, 2 tbsp light soy sauce and chili paste, stir fry for 2 minutes (none stop).

4.pour in the bean sprouts, quickly stir fry till mix well. Keep the fried noodle in one corner of the pan or wok, add 1 tsp oil to the other side of the pan, beat the eggs and fry till almost cooked, pour in the fried noodle and stir fry till mix well.(see pic)

5.Remove heat, serve hot.


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