All Recipes 101 - for recipes addict like me!

Where all types and varieties of recipes .... ^_^

Added on what I like that's includes meal plans (for my so called diet plans)....

and Kids Meals section for easier reference what to cook for children

(that would be my bunch of nieces and nephews!!!!)

We don't eat pork so for those ingredients which included pork, has been substituted it with beef or chicken.

Heath & Lifestyle

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mango & Soursop Jelly Crush


One Ripened Mango
Handful of ice cubes
One Lychee Jelly Cup
One Soursop Jelly Cup or four mini cups
Half a cup of Apple Juice


Wash and cut the ripened mango scooping the ingredients into a blender along with a handful of ice.

Add ½ cup of apple juice and blend at a low setting for 10 seconds. Throw in the lychee jelly and blend for a further 5 seconds. Unwrap and place the soursop jelly into a bowl and roughly cut into cubes, drop that into the ice blend, stir and you’re done.

Pour into a chilled glass and serve.


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