All Recipes 101 - for recipes addict like me!

Where all types and varieties of recipes .... ^_^

Added on what I like that's includes meal plans (for my so called diet plans)....

and Kids Meals section for easier reference what to cook for children

(that would be my bunch of nieces and nephews!!!!)

We don't eat pork so for those ingredients which included pork, has been substituted it with beef or chicken.

Heath & Lifestyle

Friday, August 20, 2010

Glutinous Rice un Lotus Leaves

Preparation & cooking time : 1½ hours
Serves: 4

600 gm glutinous rice, soaked for 4 hours & drained
4 tablespoons cooking oil
1 tablespoon chopped garlic & onion

1 tablespoon MAGGI Concentrated Chicken Stock
1 tablespoon MAGGI Dark Soya Sauce
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon sugar
½ cup water
dash of pepper
3 tablespoons oil
1 tablespoon chopped garlic & shallots
4 tablespoons dried prawns, soaked
200 gm chicken meat, diced
5 mushrooms, soaked and diced
1 tablespoon MAGGI Oyster Sauce
1 tablespoon MAGGI Light Soya Sauce
dash of sesame oil and pepper
2 pieces lotus leaves, soaked, washed & wiped dry
fried shallots
sliced red chilli & spring onion

1 Heat oil, stir-fry garlic and shallot until aromatic. Add glutinous rice, ingredients A and mix well. Spoon into steaming tray and steam for 45 minutes or until rice cooked.

2 Heat oil, stir-fry garlic and shallots until aromatic. Add dried prawns and fry until aromatic. Add chicken, mushroom, MAGGI Sauces, sesame oil and pepper. Stir-fry until meat cooked.

3 Thoroughly mix cooked rice with meat mixture. Divide into 2 portion and wrap with lotus leaves

4 Steam over high heat for 15 minutes. Garnish with fried shallots, red chilli and spring onion.


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